I so appreciate you staying open during this hot and "shut-in" summer. To all of our hard-working, determined and resilient customers: We want you to know that during these incredibly challenging times we are standing with you as your partner. We're also announcing that we are matching our employee donations two-to-one to support COVID-19 response efforts . officials and government leaders as they work to contain the virus. President As the Chief Procurement Officer, I am reaching out to all contractors who have employees working in DHS facilities. However, I tend to favor the Pollyanna principle. Look on the bright side is just one of my many platitudes. We miss browsing and person (and your awesome displays), but we are so thankful to have physical and electronic access to books, reading, learning, and community information. March 18, 2020 7:42pm. ", "Thank you for all you are doing to keep the library open and safe so we can escape for a while! But at the same time, I value my family and friends. We need to focus our efforts on securing supplies, manufacturing and logistics every step of the way. Thank you for that. March 17, 2020 2 min read. The World Health Organization has declared this outbreak a pandemic. GIVEN the unprecedented complexity and scale of government operations to fight Covid-19, a review should be done to ensure that public funds were spent properly.. A parliamentary watchdog comprising eight MPs set up to scrutinise public spending said the review would also ensure that any loss of public monies is reported and recovered. You can change your cookie settings if you wish. Thank you to those of you who are helping reverse this worrisome trend and reduce the burden on our local health care organizations by celebrating a socially distanced Thanksgiving. We simply want to thank all the wonderful, giving, working people during this coronavirus outbreak. We are convinced that we will overcome this one too. Let us begin by expressing our sincere appreciation to every person working for CDCR and CCHCS in these unprecedented times. You are a blessing to many in your service, knowledge, and wisdom. My heartfelt thanks to the entire staff.". A calorie is a calorie and fake sugar, no matter how natural, gives me the runs. It is in times of crisis that heroes are born. Stay ahead with expert tips, predictions, and free courses. Marc Benioff is Chair, Co-Chief Executive Officer, Founder of Salesforce, and a pioneer of cloud computing. Universities in Nottingham are also coming together to help protect scientists testing for the virus. It is obvious how much thought went into how the Library is handling everything during the pandemic. Its a great way to exercise when the gyms are closed. I would like to once again update our research community on our continued response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis and share with you the latest updates of how our commitment to each other and society is truly making a difference. For over 125 years, weve delivered the excellence, expertise, and quality products our customers need to design successful food operations, Robots in the house? Our region is experiencing a spike in COVID-19 cases, turning family gatherings into high-risk situations. Whether this finds you in Piscataway, New York, California, or Japan, we . Just want you to know your efforts are appreciated! Cookies help us to give you the best experience on our website. ", "Thank you, librarians, for all your dedication to your readers. Required fields are marked *. Employee Appreciation Day falls on March 5 this year but rest assured - I value and respect your dedication to this company each and every day. Our livelihood has always been deeply intertwined with yours and we remain fully committed to our partnership. Posted on February 14, 2021 by Letters. Additionally, Direct Relief is taking donations for protective equipment for health-care workers around the world. A challenging moment like this is the time to live family values. Our livelihood has always been deeply intertwined with yours and we remain fully . ", "At my branch, not only do they have the new books displayed in a window for us to choose from, but they have also now begun to put together book bundles of 5 to 6 books with similar kinds of content. We're glad you're back! OK Fruit was in things like granola but it was dried so I didnt notice. Heres how to show gratitude for the lives of those who are making a difference. Ant Middleton Channel 4 Business Coronavirus Pandemic . With so many restaurants suffering financial blows, theres a need for foodies to give back to their favorite eateries through different organizations. Supporting health officials and government leaders as they work to contain the virus. Sure, it became tedious to get the same video twenty times in five minutes. Jo knew her generic note that said, "Thank you for being a volunteer!" was much better than no thank-you letter at all. Copyright 2022 Salesforce, Inc.All rights reserved. and our communities. As a very high-risk person I want to thank you for everything! Learn about our strategy, sales and results or download our investor seminar presentations. For more information on this global resource, which aims to enhance international collaboration and speed up development of test kits and vaccines, visit techagainstcovid. COVID-19: thank you for your resilience, dedication and compassion An update from Professor Dame Jessica Corner I would like to once again update our research community on our continued response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis and share with you the latest updates of how our commitment to each other and society is truly making a difference. directed to do so by government authorities. but you also don't want to be the 500th email of copy-pasted CDC guidelines that people receive today Your customers want to hear from you and support you but you need to offer them empathy, humanity, and value in return We could come up with a list of do's and don'ts for email . And a page where you can find all of our reporting on this topic, with the latest coverage at the top. This brings me to other things I now need less of. Whether you're posting about the virus specifically or trying to offer light, positive content to help take people's minds off the panic, it can be helpful to . Whether you're sending a handwritten note or an email, make sure it gives off a positive vibe from the moment it lands in your customer's inbox (or mailbox). "You are all so awesome and important to us out here in the general community. I learned many things about myself and others during the pandemic you created. Thank you for committing to Tucson! See Privacy and Cookies for details. Letter: Thank you, grocery store workers Mar 16, 2020 To the editor: We must acknowledge the commitment of all clerks, stockers, register personnel, baggers, deli workers, meat cutters, fish. But it was all part of the honeymoon phase when we didnt think you would stick around for so long. I could put my clippings in a vase and feel better about myself. Given the widespread shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE), people are looking for ways to help equip health-care workers with lifesaving equipment. This means that as we navigate this Through You may also find these web pages useful: Daily updates, helplines and advice from the University on COVID-19 The EPSRC New Horizons call will provide the opportunity to develop new transformative research ideas, and Newton, GCRF and Royal Society funds are available to work internationally. series of precautionary You have stepped up in policy and practice. The world is grappling with an issue of enormous scale and human Starbucks resilience is owed to our unwavering Mission to The Graduate School, for example, is ensuring online training and support is available to researchers during the campus shutdown. In this time of distancing, we need the possibility of other worlds that books give us. We also have a cross-functional team with sales, operations, business and regional leaders focused on dedicating resources for resolution. ", "Thanks to all the WONDERFUL library workers. This year, their hard work and dedication mean more than ever. All rights reserved. Your effort will make a huge difference to our company and to our society. Everything you need to know about Nestl is here: brands, key figures, milestones. "A long time coming " [Dec. 24, A1] is my personal 2020 . Books to me are life-enriching. I have always been impressed with the library system in Pima County and you just keep getting better! Lesley Fair. We earnestly and humbly request all of you to contribute to this. With this communication, I want to provide updates and answers to as many questions as I can that have been coming in to our (virtual) office. impact, and our hearts go out to all who have been affected by the outbreak of Often. After the initial rapid-fire online shopping spree, I stopped and took stock of all that I had. Traditions and values endure. Get a taste of ways to make your foodservice operation its very best. Salesforce, Inc. Salesforce Tower, 415 Mission Street, 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105, United States, Please read and agree to the Master Subscription Agreement, Want To Prepare Your Employees To Lead From Anywhere? Instead of asking for presents on her birthday, one New York attorney had all her friends donate money to feedNYU hospital workers. Do you want to say thanks? You can say thank you to employees for generating new ideas. We and I will be with you every step of the way. serve you your favorite beverage and food. ", "You are by far the best help desk I've ever dealt with! If you are aware of other opportunities for us to help others with our technology, please let me know atceo@salesforce.com. The best prepared companies are finding the COVID-19 pandemic has stretched their emergency preparedness, crisis management and business continuity plans beyond what they ever imagined. Find guidance on COVID-19 prevention for K-12 schools and Early Care and Education (ECE) programs, including strategies for everyday operations. I went to McDonalds drive-thru for lunch but left with bags of cash instead, Biden, Harris photo-op with Warriors team takes awkward turn: 'I'm not doing that', Prince Harry roasted at Critics Choice Awards 2023, Idaho suspect repeatedly slid into victim's DMs weeks before murders, Lisa Marie Presleys grave prepped at Graceland across from Elvis, Tom Brady carries Louis Vuitton bag featured in ex-wife Giseles ad campaign, Pamela Anderson: Tommy Lee divorce crushed me during lowest point of life, Nick Sirianni's update on the status of Eagles' star QB Jalen Hurts, Wife of 'Boy Meets World' star William Daniels details 'painful' 'open marriage'. We believe in the power of food to enhance quality of life. Build faster, secure your enterprise, and automate IT with trends and insights from top leaders. stores are prepared to modify operations with options that still allow us to While all our businesses are in uncharted territory, Salesforce was built to handle moments like this, and our relentless commitment to your success is stronger than ever. I expected the worse. 2. Best wishes for a happy and healthy Thanksgiving. Second, at Salesforce as at your companies, were focused on the health and safety of our employees, families and communities. Net carbs lets not forget the net part. Benioff was named Innovator of the Decade by Forbes and is recognized as one of the Worlds 25 Greatest Leaders by Fortune and one of the 10 Best-Performing CEOs by Harvard Business Review. And I appreciate all your continued efforts and excellent service during this time. Now declared a pandemic, the novel coronavirus COVID-19 is impacting everyone's lives. I fully recognize we are asking a lot because all of us are also busy managing challenging personal and family situations at this moment. 877-746-6855, A Letter to our Customers Regarding COVID-19 and our Continued Commitment to Safety, Berkeys Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical. The many seasons with you allowed me to discover fruits I never knew existed. Our staff wellbeing guide has useful resources and advice that I would encourage you to explore. Use POS Data to Build Smart School Menus Making menu changes can seem like an undertaking. dynamic situation community-by-community and store-by-store, we may adapt the store Free and immediate access to cloud high performance computing resources are available to researchers who are working to mitigate the impact of COVID-19. Subscribe to our Admin Digest or Developer newsletter. Giving Back. Please, do look after yourselves and your families. Why didnt I know that a beautiful bouquet could be created by snipping some pretty greenery? Toilet paper panic buying. Heres a running list of NYC-favorite restaurants selling gift cards. Seven bus drivers so far have died of coronavirus, including 57-year-old Ernesto Hernandez of Brooklyn, who died on March 29. We are providing Category 2 Cell Culture Cabinets, which are highly controlled environments that protect skilled scientists whose work is critical in turning the tide against the coronavirus. A new initiative, PPE for NYC, is aiming to help the epicenter of the crisis in New York. Brown County Dane County A 'thank you' to those still showing up for work during coronavirus pandemic. Thank you for signing up! Or do as Elizabeth Rees of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, does and keep tabs on your daily . As usual, I forgot to read the small print. Workers behind the counter at the 7-11 on the White Horse Pike in Oaklyn are protected from customers and social distancing by a clear shower curtain March 31, 2020, as New . It was fun to bake. Dec. 29, 2020 at 12:18 pm Updated Dec. 29, 2020 at 12:18 pm. And were truly inspired by the selfless healthcare workers around the world who are on the front lines working tirelessly to care for people in need. Good food, good life that is what we stand for. Inside Click2Mail. Please refer to Research and Innovations COVID-19 pages and funder websites, especially if submitting a funding application over the next few weeks. Restaurants are coming up with ways to feed medical heroes. Some not so good. Intel CEO Letter to Customers: 'We are here for you' Today, Bob Swan, Intel CEO, shared the following message with customers and partners: To our valued customers and partners, I am reaching out to you to confirm our strong commitment to you during the ongoing coronavirus situation. He advises staying home if youre not an essential worker, or to wear a mask or bandana if you really must ride the bus. Also, thanks for keeping E-books going. Letter to Suppliers Regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) To Our Suppliers, As we all know, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is making news for the impact it may have on global supply chains. No matter what is happening in the world. Friends I didnt even know I had would send me funny messages and videos. Tableau, which we acquired last year, has developed afree data resource hubto help organizations see and understand coronavirus data in near real-time, using case data compiled by Johns Hopkins University as well as data from the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. These people help keep us sane. Thank you for taking the time to confirm your preferences. Restaurant workers are struggling to make ends meet during the coronavirus lockdown. Let me add a personal note. But the current global health crisis is hitting businesses especially hard. Got it! If you have specific questions on any of the above, please send an email to covid-hr@mit.edu. And, believe me, intimately is putting it nicely. The organizationOff Their Plate is also providing meals to health-care workers at Elmhurst Hospital, NewYork-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital, NYU Langone and others. The National Restaurant Association Restaurant Employee Relief Fund is set up for individuals who have lost their jobs due to COVID-19. It is this belief that fuels our commitment to use our global scale, resources and expertise to contribute to a healthier future for people and the planet. " Most people are feeling like they don't want to engage in this chitchat around COVID . To me, they are also heroes, putting themselves out there in an effort to provide morale to the public. Many families had to make hard choices this year, balancing the joy of spending the holiday with their loved ones against the risk of inadvertently exposing others to COVID-19. The way this challenge is bringing researchers together from across disciplines is inspiring, such the immunologists, virologists and health professionals who are developing novel testing systems for COVID-19 antibody detection, which will help us better understand the pandemic and also help people back to work. {W. A visual guide outlining facts about COVID-19 and precautions on how to stay healthy. ", "You sure know how to perk up an old lady's day! Thank you for being part of our community. Tasks for environment statements have been rescheduled and our REF team continue to refine planning, including delaying some aspects of work on outputs and focusing on finalising evidence of impact. Thats Servi with a smile. eNewsletters feature events, staff pick lists, and services available at libraries near you. We follow a comprehensive safety checklist while visiting customers homes and are requiring employees to stay home and seek medical attention if they are experiencing symptoms related to COVID-19 or have been exposed to COVID-19. I cleaned yesterday because it was sunny. Throughout the many planning meetings and critical discussions that have taken place over recent weeks, the determination and can-do spirit of our people have been incredible. Donations can be made to supplement the fund. Please follow the guidance from your Market Head and their COVID-19 Committees. Many of us feel disorientated in these extraordinary circumstances but I am grateful and proud that your resilience ensures our mission is unwavering: to deliver research and share expertise that has the power to change lives. Please also see the Graduate Schools message to PGRs as it prepares further guidance, PGRs are asked to contact the graduate-school@nottingham.ac.uk for support and advice. I wish you well on your journey into oblivion. Inside . I appreciate that many of you are juggling many priorities at this time. It is in this context that I would like to address you on behalf of our Chairman, our entire Board of Directors, our Executive Board and myself. Our hearts are with you. BiblioWeb: webapp05 Version 4.8.5 Last updated 2023/01/10 09:38. Together, we are facing a truly unprecedented situation. In any such situation, we Various trademarks held by their respective owners. Keep up the good work, you are essential workers. USPS Updates on COVID-19 and Service Alerts December 31, 1969. I understand that nobody is perfect (I know, I know, another platitude). Our crisis management team is working tirelessly to ensure our business, and yours, remain strong. I found out the hard way. In recent days, Google has seen an uptick in searches of how to say thank you to essential workers at the front lines of the health crisis, from nurses to bus drivers to restaurant workers. Did you know with a Digital Subscription to Belfast News Letter, you can get unlimited access to the website . But in the midst of the disaster, many are looking for ways to give. You may be aware that over the last few weeks we have taken a We are undertaking vital research into the virus, offering expert advice to government and local healthcare partners and helping develop personal protective equipment. Lighthouse keeper, rainbow chaser, truth seeker every minute counts. Thanks for contacting us. While Best Thank You Messages for Support Workers In case you forgot, superheroes are among us, and not all heroes wear capes! Here are 12 COVID-19 email examples that get it right. That sunlight is unforgiving. For those areas that are not affected yet, get prepared by building inventories of critical supplies and products. That we help each other as best we can. Letter from the Secretary of State to the UK's energy sector PDF, 81.4 KB, 1 page Details The letter thanks all those who are working tirelessly within the energy industry during the. May 7, 2020. How can we work together We ask and encourage you to work with us to assist in managing the current situation and help all of us better serve our customers. and support the health and well-being of our customers, our partners (employees) "I would like to acknowledge all the Pima County Library workers and especially the workers at Quincie Douglas Library. My bouquets also taught me that florists make a pretty good living. While the virus threat is global in nature, the situation is different in each country and changing fast. Submission to REF has been postponed by Research England until further notice, however the census dates are unchanged.Colleagues involved in REF preparations have shown agility in modifying their plans of work. We have a long-standing history of caring for our partners, recognizing they are the heartbeat of Starbucks. Letter from Nevin Kessler. Well, of course, I was obsessive in the beginning. Start it on a high Start your thank you on a positive note. You cheerfully give us our holds in the heat and rain, hand out produce and snacks, answer questions, and just work your butts off. Release Date: April 10, 2020. Without you, none of it is possible. Remembering COVID-19 victims one flag at a time in downtown Fargo Thank you to Fargo City Hall staff for coming through for us on what turned out to be short notice and allowing us to place the . Your email address will not be published. Thank you for working through a pandemic. October 28, 2020. The daily, sweaty, masked walk for a breath of air had an added benefit. But the best way to help bus drivers right now is by staying away from them, says Craig Cipriano, MTA Buses chief. In moments like these our purpose and values matter a lot to the people and communities we serve. To help teams collaborate while employees are away from the office,Quip Starter will be available for freeto any Salesforce customer or non-profit organization through September 30, 2020. As the situation around the world with regards to COVID-19 continues to evolve, CEO Mark Schneider has sent a message to Nestl employees. Creative ways to do this include Pizza vs. Pandemic which is arranging for hundreds of pizzas from independent pizzerias to be sent to workers at care centers, hospitals, clinics and shelters across the nation, and identifying the centers that are most in need. They are working closely with local authorities. This story has been shared 114,650 times. Their focus is to be there when promised, provide excellent customer service and do so safely with everyones well-being in mind. Thank you to those of you who are helping reverse this worrisome trend and reduce the burden on our local health care organizations by celebrating a socially distanced Thanksgiving. Increase your social media presence. To put it bluntly, things are not normal out there. Like most of you I also have a family to worry about. COVID-19 has led to unprecedented changes on campus, and while we work to ensure the safety of the entire Yale community, knowing we have the support of the alumni family is particularly heartening. ", "Your patrons have missed you. In addition to the immediate and grave health concerns, we are seeing a much wider impact on all of our lives as well as the global economy. In a compelling memo sent yesterday, the billionaire chairman eased employees' ("partners" in Starbucks-speak) worries and encouraged them to show special consideration for consumers: Our . What fun it is to start a new book, knowing I will soon meet new people and experiences, new situations, and I wont have to think about my real situation. It may be opening for pick-up or delivery-only, finding new ways to serve students or patients who need essential food services, or trying to maintain workers wages through hardship and uncertainty. Thank you, thank you, thank youcant' say it enough. I appreciate you so much. The global coronavirus pandemic is affecting all of our families, our businesses, our communities, and our way of life. We have amazing teams across Salesforce that are here for you. The Federal Trade Commission and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have sent warning letters to companies allegedly selling unapproved products that may violate federal law by making deceptive or scientifically unsupported claims about their ability to treat or cure coronavirus (COVID-19). Stay safe and take care! Finally, our team hascreated a publicly-available Trailmixon Trailhead with tips on how to work from home and maintain personal well-being during this time. A Letter To Our Customers From Our CEO Rich Wolowski Regarding COVID-19. UNICEF UNICEF/UNI327202/ 23 September 2020 COVID-19 has caused unprecedented disruption to education, with a peak of more than 1.5 billion children in 190 countries out of school. Were called upon to be our best selves, with patience, understanding and compassion. We've received your submission. As we head toward the end of March of 2020, none of us would have predicted that our new decade would start out like it has no one would have . I was elated to discover Keto versions of banana bread. Im not sure how many real friends I have left. This will be a time when we can be a true force for good. Letter: Thank you, COVID-19 relief team. Use donor-centered language A thank you letter is about acknowledging your donors, not singing your own praises. There are countless ways to kick-start your daily gratitude attitude, including writing in a journal, sneaking notes into your spouse's sock drawer and texting photos of the flowers in the garden to your children and grandchildren. Not to get all Martha Stewart, Marie Kondo, or Oprah, but I saw no good thing, felt no joy, and did not have any aha moments while looking at them. If you need us, please do not hesitate to call us at 877-746-6855877-746-6855 to schedule service. To all of our hard-working, determined and resilient customers: We want you to know that during these incredibly challenging times we are standing with you as your partner. Informing your success with new approaches, insights from CEOs, and stories of change. But nurses and doctors and first responders also have to eat. As we go forward, well be sure to keep you updated, and know that we always value your questions, ideas and feedback. We would like to recognize in particular our frontline employees and factory workers your commitment and your discipline are critical at this time to maintain business continuity. I never thought I would get to know somebody so intimately. By. But my Other and I stuck together through thick and thin (I know, yet another platitude). App or delivery Sorry, you need to enable JavaScript to visit this website. We asked students, faculty, and staff to email us their thank-you notes to those who have helped, supported, or encouraged them. At times like these, the worry list can be long for all of us, there are no exceptions. Thank you to all Library customers for their patience, understanding, and appreciation while we navigate these uniqueand challengingtimes! The Restaurant Workers Community Foundation is also taking donations to help individual restaurant workers and give loans to struggling restaurants. It is literally in our hands. Thank you to the deliverers, the logistical. Due to our unique culture, we often refer to Nestl as a family company. Also, The James Beard Foundation Food and Beverage Industry Relief Fund was started by the acclaimed restaurant award organization, with money earmarked specifically for small, independent restaurants to help keep them from going out of business. These are the moments where the strength of our nations and our people shine the brightest. It's been such a pleasure to receive notes of gratitude while we're offering limited services. These unprecedented times also offer an opportunity to reflect and develop skills. Lets make this one of our finest hours. < Senior's name > 2. IN COPPER, YOU CAN KEEP NOTES ON YOUR CUSTOMERS' MILESTONES SO IT'S EASIER TO PERSONALIZE THANK YOU NOTES IN THE FUTURE. Thank you to those helping during COVID-19 crisis. And bake and bake. Letter to Customers: Changing operations as we navigate COVID-19. While many of us have the privilege to . Our research funders have been looking at upcoming funding calls, and some deadlines have been extended. Third, even as we deal with this pandemic, our 50,000-person team at Salesforce remains laser-focused on your success. Stopping a pandemic requires using all the tools we have available wearing masks, staying at least 6 feet from people who dont live with you, avoiding crowds and poorly ventilated spaces, washing your hands frequently, and getting vaccinated. Stay safe and well, [YOUR NAME] Sample Donor Update With the COVID-19 pandemic impacting everyday life, we thank you for your continued support and wish you and your community health and peace. expect store disruption to be temporary. We are incredibly grateful for your recent donations of protective equipment, medical supplies, money, food, flowers and more to our care centers. The coronavirus pandemic has taken lives and a sense of normalcy. 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